Photo by Markus Winkler
Universal ESA funds are available in Arizona!
Here are two articles from those in the know. The first from ACSTO and the second from American Federation for Children.
Universal ESA Update
Today, we are excited to share with you the following press release from our friends at the Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) Action and the Goldwater Institute regarding the apparent unsuccessful effort of anti-school choice groups to refer the Universal ESA law (HB 2853) to the next general election ballot. We are currently waiting for an official announcement from the Arizona Secretary of State’s office regarding the outcome of the Save Our Schools (SOS) petition effort and if the Universal ESA law will take effect retroactive to June 30.
As a strong school choice ally of CAP Action and the Goldwater Institute relative to both the passing of HB 2853 in the Arizona legislature and the “Decline to Sign” effort, ACSTO is pleased by today’s news. The Universal ESA law provides access to the ESA Program to all K-12 students in Arizona giving families more options to affording the school environment that best meets the needs for their student(s). Parents can choose to use either an ESA or Tax Credit Scholarships to help pay tuition at Christian Schools, but may not use them simultaneously.
Taxpayers can continue to donate to ACSTO and take advantage of a dollar-for-dollar tax credit to help scholarship students at Christian Schools—the Private School Tax Credit Program has not changed. Many families will continue to rely on ACSTO scholarships to help their students attend a Christian School.
ACSTO is committed to helping families afford a Christian Education and will continue to do everything in its power to keep Educational Freedom alive and well in Arizona.
If you have any questions, please call us at 480-820-0403. We are here to serve you Monday through Friday from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Follow us on social media as we will continue to keep you up to date!
American Federation for Children Congratulates Arizona Families
American Federation for Children Congratulates Arizona Families
Last Friday, September 23, school choice opponents announced they had received the signatures necessary to send Arizona’s ESA expansion to the ballot, putting scholarship applications on hold for more than 10,000 students who had already applied. On Monday, it became clear that they had not gathered enough, failing in their efforts to prevent families from having educational freedom.
The American Federation for Children congratulates Arizona parents and school choice advocates on their relentless fight against opponents determined to roll back families’ choices. AFC helped amplify the parents’ efforts through social media videos that garnered millions of views and impressions. We were proud to stand behind them as they mobilized to ensure 1.1 million students in Arizona would have education freedom, and we are thrilled they succeeded.
Statement from Steve Smith, Arizona State Director of the American Federation for Children:
“Today is a great day for the parents and families in Arizona. Despite desperate, last-minute maneuvering from the opposition, the parents prevailed. We would like to thank the many parents who organized and mobilized to educate their fellow Arizonans about the benefits of education freedom. Today, it’s clear that their voices were heard loud and clear.”
Statement from Christine Accurso, ESA Mom and Citizen Advocate:
“The parents of Arizona own this victory! We respectfully made our voices heard amid a long summer and many egregious lies from our opponents. It was no surprise to us that they fudged the numbers because we were right there every step of the way; we knew they didn’t have nearly the number of signatures they reported to the entire state and nation.”
Statement from Tommy Schultz, CEO of the American Federation for Children:
“Today was a resounding victory for education freedom not only in Arizona but across the country. Parents stood toe-to-toe against powerful special interests desperate to maintain their monopoly – and parents won. Pushing for school choice is the right thing to do, and today proved yet again that it is a political winner. We call on legislators across the country to learn from the courage of Arizona parents and leaders and expand educational options for every child.”
With this news, Arizona’s ESA expansion is safe for the 1.1 million eligible families and the 10,000+ families who have already applied for it. Arizona’s ESA program allows parents to receive scholarships by re-directing their current education tax dollars for expenses, such as private school tuition, resources for schooling at home, online curriculum, education therapies, tutoring, and more. The ESA amount is expected to be approximately $7,000 per student per year.
En Español: AFC Felicita a las Familias de Arizona
El viernes, los opositores a las opciones escolares anunciaron que habían recibido las firmas necesarias para enviar la expansión de las Becas del Empoderamiento de Arizona (ESA por sus siglas en inglés) a la boleta electoral, lo que hubiese puesto en espera las solicitudes de becas para más de 10,000 estudiantes que ya habían solicitado. Sin embargo, el lunes, quedó claro que no habían reunido las suficientes firmas, fracasando en sus esfuerzos para evitar que las familias tuvieran libertad educativa.
La Federación Americana para los Niños (AFC por sus siglas en inglés) felicita a los padres y madres de Arizona y a los defensores de las opciones escolares por su lucha incesante contra los opositores que están decididos a hacer retroceder las opciones educacionales de las familias. AFC ayudó a amplificar los esfuerzos de los padres y madres a través de videos en las redes sociales que obtuvieron millones de visitas e impresiones. Nos enorgulleció apoyarlos mientras se movilizaban para garantizar que 1,1 millones de estudiantes en Arizona tuvieran libertad educativa, y estamos felices de que lo hayan logrado.
Declaración de Steve Smith, director estatal de Arizona de la Federación Americana para los Niños:
“Hoy es un gran día para los padres y las familias en Arizona. A pesar de las maniobras desesperadas de último minuto, los padres prevalecieron. Nos gustaría agradecer a los cientos de padres y madres que se organizaron y movilizaron para educar a sus compatriotas arizonenses sobre los beneficios de la libertad educativa. Hoy, está claro que sus voces se escucharon alto y claro.”
Declaración de Christine Accurso, madre de ESA y defensora de los ciudadanos:
“¡Los padres de Arizona son dueños de esta victoria! Respetuosamente hicimos oír nuestras voces en medio de un largo verano y muchas mentiras atroces de nuestros oponentes. No nos sorprendió que falsearan los números porque estuvimos allí en cada paso del camino; es por eso que sabíamos que no tenían ni cerca del número de firmas que informaron a todo el estado y la nación.”
Declaración de Tommy Schultz, director ejecutivo de la Federación Americana para los Niños:
“Hoy fue una victoria rotunda para la libertad educativa no solo en Arizona sino en todo el país. Los padres se enfrentaron cara a cara en contra de los poderosos grupos de intereses especiales desesperados por mantener su monopolio, y los padres ganaron. Impulsar las opciones escolares es lo correcto, y hoy demostró una vez más que este tema es un ganador político. Hacemos un llamado a los legisladores de todo el país para que aprendan del coraje de los padres y líderes de Arizona y amplíen las opciones escolares para todos los estudiantes.”
Con esta noticia, la expansión de ESA de Arizona es segura para las 1.1 millones de familias elegibles y las más de 10,000 familias que ya han solicitaron.
El programa ESA de Arizona permite que los padres reciban becas mediante la reorientación de sus dólares de impuestos educativos actuales para gastos, como la matrícula de una escuela privada, recursos para la educación en el hogar, plan de estudios en línea, terapias educativas, tutoría y más.
Se espera que el monto de la ESA sea de aproximadamente $7,000 por estudiante por año.
Article Link: https://www.federationforchildren.org/afc-congratulates-arizona-families
Universal ESA's may be used for private education, home-based learning, online curriculum, tutoring, books, uniforms and more! Parent legal guardians must have proof of AZ Residence (ie: Driver's License), Legal Guardian's SSN & DOB, and Child Birth Certificate in order to apply. APPLY NOW!
Have questions? Want to volunteer or want to join the school choice fight? Email us today to sign up to give #Power2AZParents: emontenegro@federationforchildren.org
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