Photo by Edi Libedisky
Next year is arriving soon. The academic planning for next year has already begun.
Here are the additions for next year's students in the Middle Academy (7,8,&9) and Senior Academy (10,11,&12).
Under Life Technology, we'll be adding Excel to the present subjects of Word and Keyboard Skills as courses to be taken and mastered.
Economics will be after United States History. In addition to the textbook by BJU Press, books, readings and videos by Thomas Sowell and Hazlet will be included.
Coming after Life Science/Biology and Earth Science, Physical Science will be added to the lab science curriculum. And just like the first two lab sciences, the textbook and labs will be from BJU Press.
Second-year Spanish or Spanish 2 as listed on the student report cards will also be added.
Algebra 2 is next after Algebra 1 for math being offered in high school so far.
That is all for now. Any questions, contact me.