Photo by Letta Hetteberg
"A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.." Colin Powell
"The only difference between success and failure is the ability to take action." Thomas Edison
"I learned the value of hard work by working hard" Margaret Mead
I was going to include an inspiring quote by Yoda, but I am not sure it really came from him.
Anyway, the students at Maricopa Christian Academy learn to work hard. It becomes a habit that is daily encouraged and built upon.
Encouragement and expectations are the main tools. Expectations for most new students are a lot different than multi-year attending students to our fine campus. Typical students having attended Maricopa Christian Academy for a while will be expected and usually achieving daily the completion of one assignment. New students may complete only a half lesson the first few days.
In an individualized educational environment, students mature and grow in their skills without the pressure of a group mentality learning environment.
The skill of neat papers, even beautiful work, takes time. Encouragement and practice over time is what works.
We do this without assigning homework. Our students work consistently and hard for the six and half hours they are in school. And in that six hours, they enjoy daily a half hour of physical education and fifty minutes for lunch and recess. Homework is a consequence though if a student is not working thard.
Our students are succesful because of their work ethic bringing them growing skills they earn daily.